Friday, 24 August 2018

Soccer Interschools!

Image result for soccer ball

The other week we had soccer interschools. It was really fun and we all did really well. From my school we had 2 girls teams and 2 boys teams. The tournament was run in girls and boys divisions. My team came 6th overall. It was so fun!!

Friday, 17 August 2018

Water Cycle!!!!!

Last week for our reading task we to read a book called Water Worries, then we had to answer some question about the book. Then we had to make a slide about the water cycle to share with our buddy class. I had to make it easy and interesting for little kids to read. Here is my water cycle slide...

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

The Wonderling

This term we are going to be reading a book called the Wonderling. I have already read it before, but it will be good to read it again. The Wonderling is about a fox like creature called Number 13, he only has one ear and can do everything a human can do. He lives at Miss Carbuncle's home for wayward and misbegotten creatures (or commonly known as the home.) The home is like a prison, he gets treated like a slave.
I would totally recommend this book I loved it when I read it. Also after we read each chapter we have to do an activity on it. Today we read chapter 3 and then we had to write a headline, we would put in a newspaper article, if we were reviewing it. I chose, why reach for the stars, when the stars are out of reach.


Last term we started playing soccer on Saturdays, and my team is currently coming second overall. This weekend we are going to start playing knockout games to see who will win the overall cup. I will keep updated about what happens.

Actions stations!

This term our inquiry focus is "actions speak louder than words", we have already started working on our inquiry focus and the other day we went down to the Hanamatua stream to do mulching. It took us half the day, but we got it done. Teifi and I are also going to do a project, so keep an eye out for any posts about our project. :)

One word!

Last week we chose one word that we wanted to work on for the whole term. It took me awhile to chose a word, but in the end I chose a really good word. I also added some quotes on the bottom. :)


Kia ora Room 4 at Blaketown school, I made I slideshow to say who I am and explain all about me. I hope you learn alot about me! :)